Wednesday, August 10, 2011

New England Clam Bake Activities

We came up with some fun stuff for the kiddies to do while camping this weekend. The weather looks to be good, the lobsters will taste better, and the camping is always awesome! Call today we still have a few great sites available! Talk to you soon!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

The River Run

We weren't feeling to good about the River Run Weekend. The weather wasn't supposed to be that good and the river was pretty low due to the lack of rain. We didn't think anyone would want to go Kayaking. Boy were we wrong! It ended up being a great weekend. The sun was shining and a bunch of people got on their kayaks and took a chance that they'd make it. The water was low but passable in most areas and everyone had a great time. Our friend Collen got us some fabuous pictures from his Kayak. Check out our album on our Facebook page. Jack cooked burgers and dogs at 5:00. At 7:00 the kids, who had been waiting patiently all day, got to make their own Sundae's at the Ice Cream Social.

Monday, August 1, 2011

New England Clam Bake

We are enjoying a quiet weekend. The next big event on the schedule is The New England Clam Bake. The Clam Bake is on Saturday August 13th. There are limited tickets so make sure to call for reservations and buy your meal tickets early. Check out the menu and prices.
If you noticed the + tax and are asking yourself "What is this tax? This is New Hampshire!" it's the NH Meal Tax.