Monday, July 25, 2011

Poolside Luau and Pig Roast

It was so busy this weekend we didn't have time to Blog! But we did manage to sneak in a few pics.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Luau/Pig Roast Schedule

Kids and Camping

There is something special about kids and camping. We just did Kids Rule weekend with all sorts of games and fun for the kids. Ice cream for breakfast, movies, games at the pool, a huge slip n' slide, a bounce house and pie eating contest. It was so much fun. We all had a good time, the staff and the campers. It was busy but, it was all worth it just to see all the happy faces and hear the excited comments from our young friends. Even with all the "big" stuff happening there was still just honest to goodness camping fun going on. We had a young lady come in and buy a bar of soap for carving, folks went out kayaking, families went fishing, and stories were being told around campfires. With any luck the kids will be telling stories about this camping trip for a good long time.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Wagon Ride Time

Over the river and through the woods, it's out to the field we go. Kids of all ages love a good wagon ride.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Kids Rule

Here's the schedule for the Kids Rule weekend! It's going to be a great time. For those of you who haven't made reservations yet, we still have some sites available.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Rib Fest

We just got done with the Rib Fest and boy was it delicious. Jack and Ron did a great job on the grills and our friend Jim kept right up with them cutting and serving. That's what going camping is all about. Good times, good friends and good food. So what if we gain a couple of pounds in 3 days. We'll work it off later. Right now it's time for the ice cream social!