Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Bounce and Slide

The rain held off just enough for us to have a great weekend. The Bounce Castle and Waterslide were a big hit with the kids. Thank you to Vermont Bounce for coming and setting it all up for us. We couldn't get away without a little rain Saturday evening but it all cleared out in time for the Ice Cream Social. We also had a nice turnout for the candy bar bingo Sunday Morning.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Rain, Rain, Go Away....

We have had our fill of rain here in NH. Our thoughts go out to the folks at Ashland who got caught in the flash flood and to the people who had a tornado (of all things!) do damage to their homes.

Thankfully, the Baker River hasn't flooded on us. We did have a tree get struck by lightening and that somehow traveled to our wireless internet system and fried it. Apparently the crazy weather that brought us tons of snow this winter is hanging around for the summer. The good news is, nobody has to worry about their well going dry or watering the lawn.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Pig Roast Weekend

Jack got up at 2:00am Saturday morning and got the pig on the fire. He spent all day Saturday tending to the pig (with a little help from his brother and the Serra's). We had beautiful weather Saturday right up until it was time to eat. To play it safe we moved the tables inside, and once the last hamburger was grilled and all got our plates were filled it started to downpour. Perfect timing. The food was excellent. The pig was delicious and the campers brought so many tasty side dishes it was hard to decide what to put on your plate. We had lot's of activities besides the pig roast. The men played a horseshoe tournament, and the kids had a scavenger hunt and the weather was nice enough during the day Saturday for swimming and kayaking. Thanks to everyone who came. We had a great time and we hope you come back in October for our end of the season Pig Roast/Halloween Party.