Thursday, June 26, 2008

Rainy Day

Even if it's raining, the maintenance crew puts on their rain gear and keeps working. According to Murphy's Law it will always rain on days when you have to be outside and when your camping in a tent. Makes you appreciate that hot shower when you get back home.

Monday, June 23, 2008

The Bridge is Done

Here comes Joe the bridge builder testing the placement of the stones to make sure the golf carts have a smooth crossing. Joe and Chris have been working hard on the bridge, path, and fence. They still have more landscaping to do but this is a good start. Looking good!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Gate

For the last couple of weeks one of the big projects going on at the Resort has been the installation of a security gate. Finally today we have it up and running. It works like a charm. It's very easy to use. If you are camping here you have a code you put in and the gate opens. If your visiting, you push the call button on the intercom and we'll open the gate by remote. To leave you just stop in front of the gate and it opens automatically. As you can see, we still have a lot of work to do. There is a bridge being built for golf carts, bikers, and walkers and we still have a lot of landscaping to do. It's going to look great once we get it done. I'll keep everyone updated on our progress.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Hope Everybody had a great Father's Day weekend. We had a great time here at Riverbrook. The Resort was hopping with seasonals, families and the good folks from the Granite Stater's Group. The weather Saturday was perfect for playing in the pool or soaking in the hot tub. The kids enjoyed gift making, and water games and kids of all ages came for the Ice Cream Social Saturday evening. After a good night's sleep, we treated everyone to a free Father's Day pancake breakfast. What more can you ask from a weekend. Good food, good friends, good times.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

We're Having a Heat Wave!

It's only June but it feels like the dog days of August outside. We've all spent some quality time in the pool this week. If the heat is getting you down, get your swim suit and come on up to the mountains. It's "All About Dad" this weekend and we have some great activities scheduled. Water games, gift making, a float down the Baker River, a free Ice Cream Social Saturday, and a free pancake breakfast Sunday Morning. Don't forget we have a Stay and Play Policy for checkout day. If your having a good time and want to hang out for the day go ahead. No charge. Just let us know in the office so we can make sure no one is checking in on your site. No matter what your plans are, have a great Father's Day and stay cool.

Friday, June 6, 2008

The Little Things

With a new Resort there's always so many big projects that need to be done. It's nice when we get a break in the busy schedule to be able to do some of the little things. This stuff isn't necessary to the operation of the Resort, but it adds to the comfort of our guests. This week we finished the stairway to the beach that I mentioned in the last post. Also, there is a pond at the front of the park with a great view of the mountains so we put in a bench so people have a nice place to sit and relax. And for our four legged quests and the owners who clean up after them, we added complimentary pickup bags at the entrance to the field. We still have plenty of big things to do, but, every once in a while it's nice to do the little things.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Over the river and through the woods...

Today we started work on a new set of stairs to get to this beautiful walking trail. This path starts at the Resort and if you go to the right it takes you on a wooded walk that follows the River and leads to the pond at the front of the Resort. A nice shady walk on a sunny summer day. If you go to the left it takes you to our private beach on the Baker River. Keep going past the beach and you find yourself in acres of fields that are perfect for flying a kite, playing a game of softball or just taking a nice quiet stroll.